Advanced Notification alerts to ebb and flow trading the stock market
using MSP ALGO Artificial Intelligence Stock Market Trading Chatter Bot.

Know when the stock market signals buy and sell alerts.


What is stock market money flow analytics?

Stock market analytics is an encircling and multifaceted range of analysis that uses statistics, predictive modeling and ALGO -  HFT learning techniques to find meaningful patterns and knowledge in recorded data. It is a way to do interpretations of data, and receive communication of meaningful patterns in order to get advance warning signals to the trader before the main move commence.
It is priceless in areas rich with data, and relies on the concurrent application of computer programming, statistics, and do analytical research to quantify performance of a stock. Stock market analytics predict future price action based on institutional buying and selling patterns, and improve trading performance ten fold.

Why is stock market money flow analytics important?

Analysis of data can uncover correlations and patterns. There’s less need to rely on guesses or intuition. And it can help answer the following types of questions:
  1. What happened?
  2. How or why did it happen?
  3. What’s happening now?
  4. What is likely to happen next?

The #1 Advanced Warning Trading System In the World.

MSP ALGO artificial INTEL track Real Time INSTITUTIONAL order flow using MSP Level III that allow you to see the  Market Makers view analytics streamed live.

Get alerted when money is flowing in or out of a stock by the billions. MarketSwingPlayer.com is an analytics stock market service for traders providing data on order flow, Institutions, Hedge Funds, Fund Managers, buy backs, Insiders and portfolio managers buying and selling shares in real time.

Our MSP Algorithm watch the Money Flow In/Out based on a proprietary algorithm which track and emulate Market Makers activities in order to successfully trade the stock market by providing perfect timing for entry and exit of trades for short and long opportunities.

What is following "Order flow"? 

Following order flow is frankly monitoring institutional buyers vs sellers at price points to determine an imbalance based on price action. Are there more buyers or sellers? If a stock has more buyers the price of the stock will go up. If a stock has more sellers than the price of the stock will go down. Using Order flow MSP ALGO has a direct data feed to the stock exchange where huge transactions are traded by hedge funds, insiders, 401K managers; essentially large funds that trade using off-exchange platforms. Institutional order flow is hidden from the public and which allow big money to trade stocks anonymously. Institutions are the top 10% of big players who conduct large trades without showing their hand to the public.

Institutions also use HFT's (High Frequency Traders). By watching the order flow used by the HFT operators the ability to detect what big institutional investors are doing in addition to what's going on within the regular exchanges, like the Nasdaq and the NY Stock Exchange. We expose these transactions to investors, hedge funds and traders that would not be able to see the hidden money flow in real - time and also by using 10 minute analytical reports containing data on the billions of dollars being invested in a security. Money flow reports are broken down into intraday, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly calculations.

Get the data you need to make intelligent trading & investment decisions using the Money Flow In/Out Analytics provided by MSP ALGO artificial Intel using the "Market Makers View Level III 3D", real time trading data today and win big!

Start trading institutional  money flow signals today.  Learn more »